Rest Kanju joined the SEED South Africa team in 2014. His role is to coordinate SEED Project activities in South Africa, conduct impact research on SEED Alumni, manage trainings for the Business Development Services, as well as coordinate the organization of SEED South Africa Symposia.
Previously, Rest founded an environmental awareness and community development NGO, and worked as a Senior Programme Officer for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and for the International Labour Organisation (ILO) where he was responsible for the management and coordination of a national tourism enterprise support project in South Africa (SCORE).
He is trained in social and environmental science and holds a Bachelor in Environmental and Geographical Science and Industrial Sociology (labour relations) from the University of Cape Town. He also has postgraduate certificates in Environmental Law, Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) Environmental Management and Resource Economics. Currently, Rest is registered with the Wits University as a Master’s Candidate in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation.